Ingredients (4 person) :
1. 300g Sweet potato noodle
2. 200g chopped cabbage
3. 300g chopped onion
4. Half chopped Green bell pepper.
5. Half chopped Red bell pepper
6. 150g chopped Carrot
7. 50g chopped Black wood mushroom
8. 50g chopped Green onion
Sauce : Soy sauce 120g, Garlic 10g, Sugar 50g, Oyster sauce 40g, Sesame oil 2 tablespoon, Sesame seed 1 teaspoon, Black pepper
Water 10 cups
1. Make sauce : Bring soy sauce, sugar, oyster sauce, garlic to boil. Remove from heat as soon as boiling begins. Cool
2. Cook veggies : Bring water to a boil in a pot > add veggies > 30 second cook > Remove veggies and place in cold water.
3. Cook noodle : Add vermicelli noodles to water used to cook veggies > Cook noodles 10 to 12 minutes > Rinse noodles with cold water then in a colander > Let sit for 20 minutes. Cut the noodles 2 to 3 times.
3. Mix : veggies and noodles, 1/2 of the sauce with the sesame oil, black pepper and sesame seed > Add remaining sauce to taste.
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